There have been more than 30 human studies showing that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can minimize injury and improve outcome after a stroke.
Although some tissue in the brain may be permanently damaged due to a stroke, the surrounding tissue merely lies dormant and can be stimulated back to activity with HBOT. HBOT works on the impacted brain tissue after a stroke by stimulating cells in the brain, thus improving affected tissue and restoring brain function. Because this dormant tissue is responsible for a significant portion of a victim’s impairment, utilizing HBOT can have dramatically positive results in the treatment of stroke patients. Research shows that utilizing HBOT can improve overall function even years after a stroke, particularly in patients who had strokes that did not involve paralysis.
The most important factor in HBOT treatment of stroke is the proper dosing of HBOT based on the type of stroke, and the time of intervention.
Early treatment of stroke is incredibly important. The ischemic areas, or areas lacking proper blood flow, of the brain are at a crucial stage after a stroke, and treating these areas is critical for patient success. Studies show that HBOT can have positive effects on damaged nerve tissue and reduce the risk of further injury. Not only can HBOT promote oxygen flow to the brain's affected areas, but it can also “wake up” dormant cells affected by the stroke. In addition, by forcing oxygen into the ischemic areas of the brain, HBOT reduces swollen tissues and allows greater blood flow.