Sports Injury and Recovery
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has been proven useful in treating a variety of sports-related injuries, from concussion to muscle and ligament damage.
Sports injuries refer to a host of traumatic injuries resulting from participation in sports and require preparation and training by the athlete in order to minimize the injury and accelerate tissue recovery. These injuries are often characterized by swelling, bleeding, acute pain, and loss of function that prohibits return to play.
Many professional athletes currently use Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy while actively playing sports and after retirement.
Because sports injuries are wounds to the body, HBOT can be a successful treatment thanks to the ability to deliver oxygen to cells and minimize inflammation. When delivered immediately before a sports performance, HBOT can minimize the effects of possible injury. When delivered as soon after an injury as possible, HBOT acts on the injured tissue to repair the wounds and decrease inflammation.
To successfully maximize sports performance and recovery, HBOT has best results when administered immediately after intense anaerobic workouts, such as speed workouts or extreme weight lifting. During these types of workouts, the muscles burn fuel without oxygen and generate toxic byproducts, thus accumulating what is known as “oxygen debt.” When HBOT is administered after intense workouts, the oxygen debt is lessened or erased and the tissues are prepared for the next workout.