Mold Toxicity
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is the only therapy that has been shown to eradicate the effects of mold toxicity.
Mold toxicity is a very prevalent and under-diagnosed condition that can manifest in many different ways. Some of these symptoms are exclusively psychiatric, such as depression, anxiety, attentional problems, brain fog, and insomnia, while some are physiological and include fatigue, headache, light sensitivity, aches, muscle cramps, and sinus problems.
Vulnerability to mold toxicity is only present in 25% of the population, who in most cases, have a genetic predisposition which inhibits their clearance of biotoxins. A family can all be living in the same house with mold growth, but only one family member will become ill, which is due to the genetic vulnerability.
Mold that is growing in your home or in your body will absorb the oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide and carbonic acid, thus robbing your body of the oxygen it needs to survive.
When mold increases in your environment and body, it creates an abundance of carbon dioxide and when mixed with water and blood, it turns into carbonic acid. This carbon dioxide then causes your cells to be deprived of oxygen and the blood, eventually causing it to become acidic. As this acid builds up, the pH in the blood decreases, and these toxic wastes accumulate in the body which results in inflammation and the aforementioned symptoms.
In the body and environment, the toxins accumulated because of carbon dioxide build-up are able to thrive under low oxygen conditions. However, with the oxygen-rich environment provided by HBOT, symptoms of mold toxicity can be ameliorated. Oxygen has the natural power to help overcome the negative effects of inhaling toxic gasses like carbon dioxide, and can greatly lessen--if not completely eradicate--the symptoms of toxic mold.