Lyme Disease
CDC researchers estimate that 329,000 people every year are diagnosed with Lyme Disease. There is no cure, but Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can help.
Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, that is transmitted to humans by infected deer ticks. Short-term sufferers of Lyme report symptoms including a bull’s-eye rash, fever, flu-like symptoms, migraines, fatigue, muscle and joint aches. More severe symptoms of Lyme disease can include immune system dysfunction, nervous system dysfunction, or cognitive disorders, sleep disturbance, personality changes, and cardiac problems.
HBOT is able to fight the main symptoms of Lyme Disease.
Lyme is in a classification of bacteria called anaerobes, meaning these bacteria thrive in very low oxygen environments. HBOT, being a very high oxygen environment, has the ability to aid in the killing of this bacteria.
Lyme also causes a great deal of inflammation throughout the body affecting joints, muscles, and the nervous system. One of the primary uses of HBOT is to help manage inflammation. The more oxygen our body can absorb, the more inflammation we can process and move out of our body.
Oxygen is a major nutrient our body needs to heal from damage. As a result of the infection and associated inflammation, the damage to our bodies can be quite extensive. HBOT provides exceptionally high amounts of oxygen so the body can use it to heal the brain, nerves, muscles, and joints.